The Business Master (3rd Edition)
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DM Users Manual Page 1
Directory Master (DM), is a powerful utility program for
MS-DOS compatible computers. DM was created to allow you to
copy, move and delete files quickly and easily. But we didn't
stop there. Special features allow you to run programs, execute
commands, and view files directly from DM, then return to DM
exactly where you left off. And DM is streamlined - many tasks
can be completed with just one keystroke. DM allows you to
maintain order on your disks with a minimum of time and effort.
When you use DM, you are able to skim through your directory and
mark all the files you want to be moved, copied, or deleted. If
you have lots of files to delete, you can delete them all at
once. If you want to copy selected files onto a diskette, you
can copy them all at once.
If you have a hard disk, the tree mode allows you to jump
from the root directory to any subdirectory and back again with a
minimum of keystrokes. Suppose you want to separate your data
base files from your spreadsheet worksheet files. You can mark
all those data files and move them there all at once.
Perhaps you have a lot of old document files in your word
processor program and you want to delete some of the clutter. But
you can't remember what's in a certain file. No problem, the
programmable function keys allow you to call up the word
processor and load the indicated file in one keystroke. After
you've looked over the file and exited the word processor, you
automatically return to DM, right where you left off.
Here are a few of DM's highlights.
*Quick backups - copy all or selected files from one diskette to
another, or from the hard drive to diskette or vice versa.
*Maintain order - categorize your files in subdirectories. DM
quickly moves your files from one subdirectory to another or
from the root directory to subdirectories.
*Easy disk cleanup - move or delete selected files from any
*Scan quickly through a hard disk's root directory and
*Check any drive to see the size of individual files and the
amount of free space on the disk.
DM Users Manual Page 2
*Sort directories for viewing in any order desired: alphabetical
by filename, alphabetical by extension, by date, by size, or
reverse order.
*List only certain files within a directory, such as those with a
given extension.
*Execute a program or view the contents of a file directly from
DM, and return to DM exactly where you left off.
*Rename any file. Change the date on any file.
*Change the attributes of a file, including: Hidden, System,
Read-Only, and Archive.
*Execute a DOS command directly from DM and return to DM in the
same place that you left off.
*Custom program up to 30 function keys.
DM was originally written in 1985 to provide the same
functions for MS-DOS as a program called SWEEP did for CP/M. The
main function of this program is to be able to select files from
a list of files, then either copy them, move them, or delete
them. Thus the design of this program is such to make these
functions as easy as possible.
In order to help you decide which files to copy, move, or
delete, DM allows you to sort the list by name, date, extension
or size, and allows you to select in reverse order. This allows
you to see the directory several different ways. In addition, DM
allows you to use a file mask. This allows you to work with a
smaller group of files rather than the whole directory.
The files are displayed in a vertical list. The up and down
arrows, page up, page down, home and end keys move you through
the list. A GOTO key is provided to help you get to a desired
place in the list quickly. Files are selected (Marked) using the
right arrow key, and unselected (UnMarked) using the left arrow
key. All files can be marked using Ctrl-Right-Arrow and unmarked
using the Ctrl-Left-Arrow. A wild card mark is provided to mark
all files that match a particular mask.
Once files are marked they can be copied or moved to another
disk drive or subdirectory, or deleted. You can also change file
attributes on all marked files or run a program on all marked
files. Copy, move, delete, and change file attributes can also be
performed on the file the pointer is pointing to. You can also
rename the file or change the file's date. You can also run the
file or run up to 30 predefined programs on the file.
DM Users Manual Page 3
To help you move through the directory structure, the Tree
Mode is provided. Tree Mode shows you only directories. By using
the arrow keys, you can move all around the directory tree. When
you get to the directory you want, switch back to the File Mode.
DM provides a status window that allows you to see the number
of files, the total size of all files, the number of marked
files, and the total size of all marked files. It shows the free
space on the disk and provides additional information about the
file that you are pointing to. Current path, drive, and file mask
information are also displayed.
DM also provides the ability to execute predefined programs on
either the file you are pointing to, or all marked files. DM
creates DOS command lines for you, including the name of the file
you are pointing to, and executes these commands. DM even has the
ability to figure out what program to run on the file you are
pointing to by its extension. That's what the Autorun feature is.
This would be used if, for example, you are in your spreadsheet
directory trying to determine what spreadsheets to get rid of. In
the process you would like to look at them while you are marking
them to refresh your memory as to what they contain. If you
program the AutoRun strings, DM will let you run your spreadsheet
program on the file you are pointing to. After viewing the
spreadsheet you return back to DM exactly where you left off.
DM is designed to be as intuitive as possible. If you get
confused, press F1 for help. For the basic functions, C is for
Copy, D is for Delete, M is for Move, and A is for Attributes.
These commands work on the file that you are pointing to. For
marked files you use Alt-C, Alt-D, Alt-M, and Alt-A. R is for
Rename, T is for Change Date, F is for Freespace, V is for View,
E is for Edit, P is for Patch, G is for Goto, S is for Sort, and
Q is for Quit.
Many of the functions of DM are for the advanced computer
user. If you don't understand all the functions of DM, just stick
to the simple ones. As your knowledge of MS-DOS and computers
grow, you will find more and more uses for DM.
DM Users Manual Page 4
This is the DM opening screen. Below is a brief description of
each feature on the screen, followed by a text reference.
File Window (left window):
File Name - The column of names under this heading is a list of
the files in the current directory.
Date - This shows the date that the file was last modified (if
the system used to make the modification had a clock-calendar).
Size - This tells how many bytes are in the file, in k (1024
Status Window (Upper Right Window):
Size of Files - The total disk space used by all of the selected
files and all Marked files.
DM Users Manual Page 5
Number of Files - This tells how many files are on the current
disk or subdirectory and the number of Marked files.
Free - The amount of free space on the current disk, in k, is
shown here.
Sort - The sorted order in which the directory is displayed is
shown here. If "Name" appears here, the directory is displayed
sorted by filename in alphabetical order. (See "Sorting the
Directory," page 19.)
Subs - This is the number of subdirectories off the current
subdirectory. If you enter the Tree Mode, the number of files in the
current subdirectory is displayed.
Path - This shows the drive and pathname of the current
directory. "\" indicates the root directory [Example: Path:C\:],
and a name after the backslash indicates a named subdirectory
[Example: Path: C:\WS]. (See "About Directories and
Subdirectories," pages 12-15.)
Size - This is the actual number of bytes in the file next to the
Attributes - If the file indicated by the pointer has any special
attributes, those attributes will be shown here. (See "Changing
Attributes," page 33.)
Help Screen #1:
DM Users Manual Page 6
Mask - This tells which portion (selected filenames or
extensions) in the directory will be listed. If *.* appears as
the mask, the entire directory will be shown. (See "Changing the
Mask," page 22.)
F1 Help - displays the next help screen each time F1 is pressed.
Tab - displays the Programmable Function Keys Settings.
Marking and Unmarking Files
Use the following right and left cursor keypad arrows to mark and
unmark files:
-> Marks File CTRL -> Marks All Files
<- Unmarks File CTRL <- Unmarks All Files
The following is a list of DM Commands. (See "Copying and
Deleting," pages 17-19.)
C - Copy File - copies only the file at the pointer. (See
"Copying a File," pages 17-18.)
D - Delete File - deletes only the file at the pointer (See
"Delete a File," page 18.)
M - Move File - moves only the file at the pointer. (See "Moving
Files," page 19.)
V - View File - displays the contents of the file at the pointer,
in ASCII text. (See "View a Data File," page 20.)
E - Edit File - Setup DM to run your favorite editor to modify
any text or document file (See "Edit a Data File," page 20.)
E - Patch File - Setup DM to run your favorite patch program to
modify any file (See "Patch a File," page 20.)
G - Goto FileName - user may search directory for specific file
by typing the filename. (See "Goto Filename," page 22.)
R - Rename File - user may type in new filenames. (See "Renaming
Files," page 19.)
L - Re-read Directory - rereads the current drive. Useful for
quickly rereading a new disk when it is inserted in the floppy
drive, or to reread current subdirectory after creation of new
files. (See "Inserting a New Disk," page 22.)
S - Change Sort Order - changes the order in which the directory
is sorted. (See "Sorting the Directory," page 19.)
DM Users Manual Page 7
A - Change Attributes - changes attributes of the file at the
pointer. (See "About Attributes," pages 32-33.)
T - Change Date - user may type in a new date for files. (See
"Changing Dates," page 20.)
W - Wildcard Mark - user selects and simultaneously marks several
files at once by using wildcards. (See "Wildcard Mark," page 24.)
F - FreeSpace - gives statistics for any drive specified. (See
"Determining Free Space on a Disk," page 22.)
For All Marked Files
Alt-C - Copy Files - copies marked (highlighted) files to the
specified path. (See "Copy Many Files at Once," page 18.)
Alt-D - Delete Files - deletes all marked (highlighted) files.
(See "Delete Many Files at Once," page 18.)
Alt-M - Move Files - moves all marked (highlighted) files to the
specified path (See "Moving Files," page 19.)
Alt-A - Change Attributes - changes the attributes of all marked
files. (See "Changing Attributes," and "Warning:" page
X - Extra Functions
R Reverse all Marks - (See "Reversing Marks," page 24.)
C Set Colors - (See "Changing Colors on the Screen," page 24.)
T Root Dir Tree Mode - (Quickly display all subdirectories
off the root directory.)
\ Root Dir - (Move to the root directory of current drive.)
S Save Configuration - save changes made to the screen colors
or the Function Key commands. (See "Changing Colors on the
Screen," page 24 and "Saving Your Programming," page 29.)
V Set VIEW Prog - (Set up DM to run your favorite view
E Set EDIT Prog - (Set up DM to run your favorite editor
P Set PATCH Prog - (Set up DM to run your favorite patch
ESC - Escape - used to abort commands or type ESC twice to exit DM.
Q - Quit DM - used to exit the DM program.
DM Users Manual Page 8
F1 Help Screen No. 1 - Press F1 once to display a full screen of
F1 Help Screen No. 2 - Press F1 again for an introduction to DM
and help with the Programmable Function Keys and Autorun
Key. The Alternate Functions Keys are (Alt F1 through Alt F10),
the Control Function Keys are (Ctrl F1 through Ctrl F10) and the
Shift Function Keys are (Shft F1 through Shft F10). These are
user defined, you must program these keys and write the help text
yourself. Press the Tab key to view the Programmable Function
Key Settings. The Autorun Key is F2 and is also programmed. (See
"The Programmable Function Keys," pages 26-30 and "The Autorun
Key," page 30.)
F2 AutoRun - this key must also be programmed by the user. Set
it up to execute an application program or a DOS command on files
with the same extension. (See "The AutoRun Key," page 30.)
F3 Execute File - executes the file at the pointer if the file is
executable (has extension .EXE, .COM, or .BAT). (See "Executing a
File," page 25.)
F4 DOS Command - executes a DOS command. (See "Execute a DOS
Command," page 25.)
F5 Change Disk - move from one drive to another. (See "Changing
Disk Drives," page 22.)
F6 Change Path - move to another drive or path or select files by
using a particular mask with embedded wildcards. (See "Paths and
Pathnames," page 13, and "Changing the Mask," page 22.)
F7 Tree Mode - allows scanning of subdirectories.
F7 Toggle this key to enter and exit Tree Mode
R Rename subdirectory
-> Jump to SubDir - move to the subdirectory at pointer
<- Jump to SubDir toward Root
RET Jump to SubDir and Exit Tree Mode - lists files in the
subdirectory indicated by the pointer and exit Tree Mode
\ Jump to Root Directory - (See "About Directories and
Subdirectories," pages 12-15, and "Tree Mode," page 23.)
F8 Edit Commands - used to custom program the Alternate Function
Keys, Control Function Keys, Shift Function Keys and the AutoRun
Key. (See "The Programmable Function Keys," pages 26-30, and "The
AutoRun Key," page 30.)
F9 Print Order Form - used to print DM purchase order form.
DM Users Manual Page 9
F10 Marked Menu - This is an alternate method of copying,
deleting, moving, changing the attributes and executing dos
commands on marked (highlighted) files. Use your creativity here.
C Copy - Copy marked files
D Delete - Delete marked files
M Move - Move marked files
A Change Attributes - Change marked files' attributes
Ctrl, Alt & Shift Function Keys or F4 to Batch Execute
Marked Files
This section is for the novice and provides an introduction to
MS-DOS functions and commands that relate directly to DM.
If you are familiar with DOS you may wish to skip this section
and go directly to page 16 "Using DM". Consult your MS-DOS
manual for more in-depth explanations of DOS functions, or any
commands not covered here. Throughout this manual, you will be
asked to press the "Enter" key. On some keyboards, it may be
called the "Return" key, and on others it is simply marked with a
"<--+." Regardless of how it is labeled, you want to press the
key that gives you a carriage return.
Booting the System
Dual Floppy Systems: Insert your DOS disk in drive A and turn on
the system. When the computer is ready to go, the message "A:"
will appear. This is called the "prompt" and it means that the
computer is ready to accept commands.
You have two disk drives. The one on top is Drive A. The bottom
one is Drive B. Drive A is the "default drive" which means that
when you enter a command or filename, the computer automatically
searches the disk in drive A unless you specify another drive.
Hard Disk Systems: Turn on the computer. When the "C:" prompt
appears, the computer is ready to accept commands. The hard disk
is called drive C, and the drive for floppy disks is Drive A.
Drive C is the default drive.
If you get stuck and want to start over, you can "reboot" with-
out turning off the machine. Press the Ctrl, Alt, and Del keys
simultaneously. Be careful. Never reboot if you haven't saved
whatever you're working on, because it will be lost.
Changing the Designated Drive
When the computer is first turned on, it will search for files on
the default drive. If you want it to search for files on another
drive, you must change the designated drive.
DM Users Manual Page 10
If Drive A is currently the designated drive, then "A:" will be
the prompt. To change the designated drive, type the letter of
the desired drive, followed by a colon, then press Enter.
A: (Prompt for current designated drive)
A: (to change designated drive to drive C,
type "C:" and then press Enter)
C: (the new prompt appears, showing that
C is now the designated drive)
Format A Disk
Formatting a blank disk prepares it to be used for your computer.
The disk is divided into "sectors" which could be compared to
drawing lines on a sheet of paper in preparation for writing a
letter. Every disk that you use must be formatted.
WARNING: Formatting a disk erases everything on the disk.
Dual Floppy Systems: Your DOS disk should be in Drive A. Put a
blank disk in drive B. The "A:" prompt should appear on the
screen. If it doesn't, bring it up. Type: A: FORMAT B: This
specifies that the "FORMAT" program should be executed for the
disk in drive B. Press Enter, and the disk in Drive B will be
Hard Disk Systems: Read warning below before you do anything.
Then put a blank disk in Drive A. Bring up the "C:" prompt and
type: FORMAT A: Press Enter, and the disk in Drive A will be
WARNING: You must specify Drive A by typing the "A:" after
"FORMAT". If you forget the "A:" or if you make a mistake and
type "A;" then the default drive (Drive C) will be formatted.
Since this is the hard disk, this means that everything on the
hard disk will be erased!
Steps for making a Backup
You should always make a backup of each of your software disks.
The backup, or working copy, is for everyday use. Put the
original in a safe place. Then, if something happens to the
working copy, you can make another copy from the original.
Dual Floppy System:
1) Have your DOS diskette in Drive A, and a blank diskette in
Drive B.
2) Bring up the "A:" prompt and type "DISKCOPY A: B:"
and then press the Enter key. This tells the computer to
copy the disk in drive A to the disk in drive B.
3) Follow the instructions on the screen. The DM diskette is
the "source" and the blank diskette is the "target."
DM Users Manual Page 11
Hard Disk System:
1) Have your DM diskette and a blank diskette ready.
2) Bring up the "C:" prompt and type "DISKCOPY A: A:" and then
press the Enter key. This tells the computer to copy the disk
in drive A to another disk which will later be put in drive A.
3) Follow the instructions on the screen. The DM diskette is the
"source" and the blank diskette is the "target."
Note: Your blank disk does not need to be formatted in advance.
The "DISKCOPY" command formats the disk at the same time that the
files are being copied.
Files, Filenames, and Extensions
All programs, text, or data on your disk are contained in files.
A letter created by your word processor is in a file, as is a
list of names and addresses in a database. A file on a disk can
be compared to a file folder in a drawer.
Every file has a filename, which allows the computer to keep
track of files. Filenames may have two parts: the "name" and the
"extension." These are separated by a period. For example,
DM.COM is DM's filename. A name may be up to eight characters,
but the extension is limited to three characters. The extension
is optional. All of the following are valid filenames:
LETTER.DOC, D.DB, MOMLET, Q, O.K, 123.123.
Sometime you may want to give the computer a command that will
affect more than one file. For example, you may want to delete
all the files with the extension .BAK. Wildcards allow you to do
this all at once, rather than going through and deleting them
Two characters, the question mark (?) and the asterisk (*) may be
used as "wildcards" in filenames and extensions.
The computer interprets a question mark (?) as "any character" (a
wildcard for a single character). If you had a set of files, for
example, with the names BOB1.LET, BOB2.LET, BOB3.LET, etc., you
could denote the whole set with the name BOB?.LET. ????????.???
means "any file."
The computer interprets the asterisk (*) as "any set of
characters" (a wildcard replaces a whole filename or any part of
a filename). Therefore, "*.COM" would mean "any file with the
".COM" extension. "FUN.*" would mean any file with the first
name "FUN." *.* means "all files."
DM Users Manual Page 12
Wildcards (? and *) may not be used to name files. Rather, they
are only used in commands to select a group of files for moving,
deleting, copying, etc. Some examples of uses for wildcards are
shown below.
DEL MAIL.* (all files beginning with MAIL would be
DIR TEST?.DOC (a directory will be displayed for all
files starting with TEST with the .DOC
COPY *.COM A: B: (all files with the .COM extension would
be copied from drive A to drive B.)
A directory keeps track of your files on a disk. Every disk has
a directory, which may contain any number of files. The direc-
tory has information about the name, size, location, and date of
creation (or last updating) of all the files on a disk.
Displaying a Directory using DOS
"DIR" is the DOS command to display the directory of the current
designated drive. Other commands to show a directory are:
DIR B: (Shows directory of Drive B: or whatever
drive is specified)
DIR/P ("Page mode" pauses when the screen is
filled. Press any key to resume the
directory display.)
DIR/W ("Wide Display" shows directory of the
current drive in several columns across
the screen. Only filenames are displayed.)
DM's main purpose is to help you keep track of your directories
better than is possible with DOS alone. You probably won't need
to use the DOS directory display commands too much after you
learn DM.
If you have several different projects, each with its own files,
or if many people are using the same computer, the directory may
become long and unwieldy. You may want to categorize your files
or keep them separate from another person's. "Subdirectories"
allow you to group files separately, much as you would group
files in separate drawers of a filing cabinet.
DM Users Manual Page 13
Subdirectories are most commonly used on a hard disk, but disk-
ettes may also have subdirectories. For the purpose of this
discussion, we will assume that your subdirectories are on Drive
C:, the hard drive.
Any directory may have subdirectories, and this creates a "tree"
structure. The "root" is the first level directory, and the
subdirectories of the root directory may be thought of as
branches on the tree. To carry this idea further, files within a
subdirectory are like the leaves on a branch.
An example of a typical directory structure or "tree" is shown
| |-TWIN
| |-DICK
Paths and Pathnames
You can access any file in any subdirectory on your disk. To do
this, you must tell the computer where in the "tree" that the
file is located. Starting with the root directory, you must give
the "path" to the desired file. The "pathname" is a list of
directory names separated by backslashes (\). In the tree
above, the pathname for the subdirectory named TWIN would be
written as:
The symbol for the root directory is "\", so the root directory
on Drive C is written as "C:\". A subdirectory's name is written
as "C:\NAME" (NAME is whatever name you gave to the subdirec-
Accessing a Subdirectory
If you want the computer to search for files in another
subdirectory, you must change directories. The command for
"change directory" is CHDIR or CD, followed by the pathname.
DM Users Manual Page 14
Suppose that Harry, who uses the computer with the "tree" shown
above, wants to play games. He must type the change directory
command, plus the pathname, to get to his GAMES subdirectory.
From the C: prompt, he will type:
C:CD USERS\HARRY\GAMES (change directory command)
C:\USERS\HARRY\GAMES: (prompt in new directory)
The symbol for the root directory is "\". So, to return to the
root directory, he will type:
C:\USER\HARRY\GAMES: CD\ (command to return to root)
Creating a Subdirectory
To create a subdirectory, type the command "MD" (make directory)
and the name that you choose for the directory. Suppose you
wanted to name your directory "TEST." From the C: prompt, type:
Perhaps you want to make a subdirectory within the directory TEST
that you just created. You want to call it NEXTTEST. From the
C: prompt, type:
Directory names are limited to eight characters. The entire
pathname is limited to 64 characters.
Removing a Subdirectory
RD is the "remove directory" command. The command must be
followed by the pathname, using the same syntax as for making a
directory or changing directories. You cannot be in a
subdirectory you are trying to remove and you can only remove a
directory if it is empty.
About the Command Line
DOS commands are typed next to the prompt. This is called the
command line. Commands are executed when you press the Enter
key. DOS commands are normally typed in one of the two following
DM Users Manual Page 15
Format 1: Executing a DOS command
COMMAND is the actual DOS command, such as DEL, DIR, CD, etc.
[ ] indicates that this part of the command is optional
C: is the name of the required drive, either A:, B: or C:
\PATHNAME is the pathname where the command should execute
\FILENAME is the name of the file on which the command should be
If you typed the command:
then you would delete the PACKMAN file in the GAMES subdirectory
on drive C:. If you were already in the GAMES subdirectory, your
prompt would be C:\GAMES and it would not be necessary to specify
the drive and pathname. You would only have to type "DEL
Format 2: Executing an executable file.
[ ] indicates that this part of the command is optional
C: is the name of the required drive, either A:, B:, or C:
\PATHNAME is the pathname where the command should execute
FILENAME1 is the name of the file (program) that should be
executed. It must be an "executable" file (have the
extension .COM, .EXE, or .BAT.)
FILENAME2 is the name of a data file that may be loaded using
the program in (FILENAME1).
Using our sample "tree" shown earlier, suppose the WORDSTAR
subdirectory contained the following files:
WS.COM (the WordStar word processing program)
LETTER (data file for WordStar)
If you typed this command:
then the WS file would be executed with the LETTER file loaded.
If you were already in the WORDSTAR subdirectory, you would only
have given the command: "WS LETTER". And, if you didn't want to
load the LETTER file, your command would simply be "WS".
DM Users Manual Page 16
DM may be used on any PC/XT/AT compatible system with at least
128k resident memory.
This manual uses a great deal of cross-references, for the con-
venience of readers who choose to skip around. Those who read
the manual straight through can probably ignore the references.
Back Up Your DM Disk
Before you begin, make a working copy of your DM program disk for
everyday use. Then put your original in a safe place. That way,
if something happens to the working copy, you'll be able to make
another copy from the original. (See "Steps for Making a
Backup," pages 10-11.)
Installing DM On Your Hard Drive
Turn on the system. When "C:" appears, insert the DM disk in
Drive A. Always install DM in the root directory. Make sure you
are at the C:\ prompt and type copy a:*.*. Press the Enter
key. DM should now be in the root directory.
The Path Command
It is to your advantage to be able to execute DM from any
subdirectory you may be in. To do this, you may have to designate
a path in your autoexec.bat file using the dos "Path" command.
When using a hard drive, you may frequently be in a directory
other than the root, where DM is located. The "Path" command
allows you to execute a program when it is not in the
subdirectory you are currently in. If you want to execute DM from
any directory, put DM in a directory that your PATH is set up to
access. If you have not set up a path command, refer to your MS-
DOS manual or your friendly neighborhood computer wizard as to
how to do this.
Calling up the Program
Dual Floppy Systems: Put your MS-DOS diskette in Drive A, and
turn on the system. When "A:" appears, insert the DM disk in
Drive A. Type "DM" and press the Enter key. This calls up the
DM program.
Hard Disk Systems: Just type "DM". (See above section entitled
"The Path Command" for important information.)
DM Users Manual Page 17
When the DM program comes up, three windows will appear. The
left-hand window is the File Display Window. The names of the
files in the current directory will be displayed here in
alphabetical order. The upper right window is the Status Window.
It shows which directory is being read, the size of the files,
and other statistical information. The lower right window is the
Popup Help Window for DM commands.
Finding the Help Screens
Dm uses two types of Help. One is full screen help (F1), and the
other is a popup help screen (lower right screen) which pops up
each time you use a DM command. Press the F1 key once to display
the first help screen, then press it again to get the second help
screen, and so on.
Getting Out of the Program
Press the Q key (Quit DM) to escape the program and return to MS-
DOS. You may also press the Escape key (Esc) twice to exit the
Scanning the Directory
You may scan the list of filenames in the File Window using the
page up (Pg Up) and page down (Pg Dn) keys, and the Home and End
keys. Ctrl Home takes you to the top of the list and Ctrl End
takes you to the bottom. The up arrow and down arrow keys move
the pointer one line at a time.
Marking Files
If you want to delete, copy or move several files at once, you
have to "mark" the files first. This tells the computer which
files you want to copy, move or delete.
To mark a file, position the pointer next to that file. Press
the right arrow -> key. The name of the file will be highlighted
to indicate that it has been "marked." Press the left arrow <-
key to un-mark a file. You may mark as many files as you wish.
Ctrl -> marks all files in the current directory, and Ctrl <- un-
marks all files.
Copy a File
If you want to copy a file, use the up arrow and down arrow keys
to position the pointer next to the file to be copied. Then
press the C key. The message "Press down arrow to copy filename
to another filename. To Path:" will appear. Pressing down arrow
allows you to copy a file to the same or another filename within
the same subdirectory. "Path" means the place where you want to
put the file. Type the name of the disk drive or drive and
DM Users Manual Page 18
subdirectory that the file is to be copied to, then press the
Enter key. The file will be copied.
(New Users: See "Paths and Pathnames," page 13.)
Dual Floppy Systems: If the file being copied is on the disk in
Drive A, and you want to copy it to the disk in drive B, then
type "B:" when "To Path" appears. You must have a formatted disk
in Drive B.
Hard Disk Systems: If you are copying from a disk in Drive A to
the hard disk, then type "C:" when "To Path:" appears. If you
are copying from the hard disk to a disk in Drive A, then type
"A:" when "To Path" appears. You must have a formatted disk in
drive A.
Delete a File
To delete a file, use the up arrow and down arrow keys to
position the pointer next to the file you want to delete. Then
press the D key. The message "Delete (filename)? (Y/N)" will
appear. Press Y for yes and the file will be deleted.
Delete Many Files at Once
Mark (highlight) all the files that you want to delete, then
press the Alt D key. "Ready to Delete Marked Files? (Y/N)" will
appear. Type "Y" for yes. All marked files will be deleted.
Copy Many Files at Once
"Mark" (highlight) all the files that you want to copy, then
press the Alt C key. The message "Copy Marked Files. To Path:"
will appear. Type the name of the disk drive to which the files
should be copied. Press the Enter key. All marked files will be
copied to the specified disk drive. The following conventions
should be used to type the Path.
A: = Drive A (usually floppy drive)
B: = Drive B (usually floppy drive)
C: = Drive C (hard drive)
C:\ = Drive C (root directory of hard drive)
C:\NAME = Subdirectories of Drive C (NAME is the name of
(New Users: See "About Directories and Subdirectories," pages 12-
Moving Files
You may want to move files from the root directory to a sub-
directory or vice versa, or from subdirectory to subdirectory.
Mark (highlight) the files to be moved, then the press Alt M key.
The message "Move Marked Files. To Path:" will appear. Type in
DM Users Manual Page 19
the name of the path (as described above) and press the Enter
key. The files will be "moved," which means they will be copied
to the directory you specified and deleted from the current
Copying More Files to the Same Path
Suppose you have just copied a group of files, and you want to
immediately copy more files to the same path. DM has a feature
that allows you to copy files to the same path without having to
retype the pathname each time you copy files. This is helpful if
you are making backups from the hard disk onto several floppy
If you have already copied a group of files, and want to copy
more files to the same path, mark the files and press Alt C.
When the message "To Path:" appears, simply hit the Enter key.
The files will be copied to the path you specified the last time
you copied files.
Sorting the Directory
The order in which the directory is displayed is shown as "Sort:"
in the upper right window. If you want the directory listed in
some other order, press the S key. Five choices appear.
1) Name - alphabetical order by filename. This is the
default sort order, which means it is automa-
tically sorted this way unless you change it.
2) Ext - alphabetical order by extension. This is helpful
if you want all the files with the same exten-
sion to appear together.
3) Date - files are listed in chronological order.
4) Size - files are listed from smallest to largest.
R) Reverse (1,2,3,4,R)? - reverse the current order of the files
or select a number to reverse sort in another order.
"R" is a toggle key, press once to enter and again
to exit reverse sort mode.
(New Users: see "Files, Filenames and Extensions," page 11.)
Renaming Files
To rename a file, place the pointer at the desired file and press
the R (Rename) key. Then type in the desired new name and press
Enter. Use the arrow keys to position the pointer, and the
Backspace (<--) or Delete (Del) key to erase unwanted characters.
You may move up and down the list, changing the names of as many
files as desired. Two files cannot share the same name. If you
try, you will get an error message "access denied." Press the F3
key if you want to copy the name (not the extension) of the file
directly above the one you're working on.
DM Users Manual Page 20
View a Data File
If you want to view a text file you can set up DM to run your
favorite VIEW program on a selected file. The program must be
installed in the same directory as DM or its path must be
specified during the setup routine. To set up your VIEW program,
choose X (Extra Functions) and then choose V (Set VIEW Program).
The message "Input the Command for your favorite VIEW program"
will appear. Type in the name of your program, (and its path, if
necessary), same as if were being executed from DOS. [Examples:
NW1 or C:\NW\NW1]
However, program files (those with .COM, .EXE or .BAT
extensions), data base files and spreadsheet data files will
probably be unrecognizable. You may not change a file using
Edit a Data File
If you want to modify a text file you can set up DM to run your
favorite EDIT program on a selected file. The program must be
installed in the same directory as DM or its path must be
specified during the setup routine. To set up your EDIT program,
choose X (Extra Functions) and then choose E (Set EDIT Program).
The message "Input the Command for your favorite EDITOR program"
will appear. Type in the name of your program, (and its path, if
necessary), same as if were being executed from DOS. [Examples:
Edit or C:\NW\Edit]
Patch a File
If you want to patch a file you can set up DM to run your
favorite PATCH program on a selected file. The program must be
installed in the same directory as DM or its path must be
specified during the setup routine. To set up your PATCH
program, choose X (Extra Functions) and then choose P (Set PATCH
Program). The message "Input the Command for your favorite FILE
PATCH program" will appear. Type in the name of your program,
(and its path, if necessary), same as if were being executed from
DOS. [Examples: Patch or C:\UTIL\Patch]
Changing Dates
Position the pointer at the file to be changed and press the T
(Change Date) key. Then you can type in the desired date. If
you want today's date, press the F2 key. If you want the date of
the file directly above the one you're working on, press the F3
key. You may move up and down the list, changing the date on any
file. Press Enter when finished.
DM Users Manual Page 21
Disk Statistics - The Status Window
Disk statistics for the current drive are in the Status Window.
The "Size of Files" and "Free Space" figures are shown in "k."
One "k" equals 1024 characters. Therefore, 20k would mean 20,480
characters. Just below "Path", the "Size" of the file currently
at the pointer is shown in actual number of characters (bytes).
The figure under the "Total" column for "Size of Files", shows
the total k used by all files in the current subdirectory. The
same figure under the "Marked" column shows the number of k of
all marked files. Note: This figure is the actual amount of
space required on a floppy if you are copying the marked files to
a floppy disk. The "Marked" figure may differ from the "Total"
figure, when all files in the subdirectory are marked because a
hard disk uses a minimum of 2k clusters for each file, while a
floppy drive uses a minimum of only 1k clusters.
Number of Files under the "Total" column represents the actual
number of files in the subdirectory. The same figure under
"Marked" represents the total number of files currently marked.
"Size:" shows the actual number of characters in the file
currently indicated by the pointer. "Free:" shows the amount of
space, in k, still available on the current disk.
Determining Free Space on a Disk
If you want to know the amount of free space on another disk,
press the F (Freespace) key. The message "Disk Statistics for
Drive" will appear. Type in the name of the desired drive (A, B,
or C), and statistics for the disk in that drive will be
displayed. (See "Copy Many Files at Once," page 18.)
For example, a disk in drive A might read:
Total: 354k Cluster Size: 1024
Free: 120k Tot Clusters: 354
Used: 234k Percent Free: 33.8%
The "Total" shows the capacity of the disk. When a file is
created, space for it is allocated in chunks, called "clusters."
Therefore, the "Cluster Size" is the minimum amount of space that
may be taken up by a file. (If the cluster size is 1024 bytes,
then a file with only 500 bytes will still be considered to take
up 1024 bytes, or one cluster.) The Freespace command (F) is
very helpful when you need to make sure there is adequate room on
a disk intended to receive copied files.
DM Users Manual Page 22
Goto Filename
Rather than scrolling through a lengthy directory, you may go
directly to a specific file using the Goto Filename feature.
Press the G key, then type in the name of the desired file. Press
enter, and the pointer will move to that filename.
Inserting a New Disk in the Floppy Drive
If you change the disk in your floppy drive, you have to let the
computer know that there's a different disk in the drive now.
Press the L key (Re-read Directory) to display the directory of
the new disk.
Changing Disk Drives
The name of the current designated drive is in the Status Window,
shown as "Path:". If you want to scan the files on another disk
drive, press the F5 (Change Disk) key. Type in the name of the
desired disk drive (such as A, B, or C). The new directory will
be displayed in the File Window.
Changing the Path
If you want to display the files in a subdirectory, then you have
to change the path. This is similar to changing the disk drive
(see above). Press the F6 (Change Path) key. This message will
Change drive, path, or mask.
Usage: Drive:\Path\Mask
The "mask" will be explained later. Ignore it for now. Type in
the desired pathname, such as C:\NW then press the Enter key.
(See "About Directories and Subdirectories," pages 12-15, and
"Paths and Pathnames," page 13.)
Changing the Mask
Perhaps you have a big directory and don't want DM to show every
file. You may display a partial directory by "changing the mask."
The "mask" determines which files in a given directory will ap-
pear in the File Window. Normally, all files are shown, so the
default mask is "*.*" (meaning "every filename, and every
extension"). The mask currently in use is shown in the Status
If you want to change the mask so that only certain filenames or
extensions are displayed, press the F6 (Change Path) key. This
message will appear:
DM Users Manual Page 23
Change drive, path, or mask.
Usage: Drive:\Path\Mask
Follow the usage example when typing in the drive, path, and the
desired "mask". The mask should be a filename with the appro-
priate embedded wildcards. Then press the Enter key. (See
"Wildcards," pages 11, 12 and 24.)
Example: if you only want to display files with the .COM exten-
sion, then press F6, and specify "*.COM" as the mask.
Tree Mode
The Tree Mode feature displays a list of subdirectories for the
current drive. It may also be used instead of the "Change Path"
command to jump to a subdirectory.
Toggle the F7 (Tree Mode) key "on and off" to enter and exit the
Tree Mode. A list of all the subdirectories on the current drive
will appear in the File Window.
If, while you are in the Tree Mode, you want to know if a given
subdirectory has any further subdirectories, position the pointer
next to the name of the desired subdirectory, and press the right
arrow -> key. Any further subdirectories will be displayed.
Press the left arrow <- to return to the previous directory.
You may want to look at the filenames in one of your subdirector-
ies. Position the pointer next to the desired subdirectory, then
press the Enter key. You will exit the Tree Mode and jump
directly into that subdirectory. This is an alternative to using
the "Change Path" (F6) command.
Tree Mode Help Screen
F7 Enter and Exit Tree Mode
R Rename Subdirectory
-> Jump to SubDir - move to the next tier of subdirectories
<- Jump to SubDir toward Root - move to the next tier of
subdirectories toward the root
RET Jump to SubDir and Exit Tree Mode - move to the
subdirectory indicated by the pointer and return to the
regular mode
\ Jump to Root Directory - move to the root directory
DM Users Manual Page 24
Wildcard Mark
You may mark (highlight) a group of files at one time with the
wildcard feature. Wildcards are useful if you want to copy,
move, delete or sort a specific group of files whose filenames
which have common characteristics. You can substitute the
wildcard symbols (* and ?) into a filename, and the computer will
choose all files that fit into that category.
To use the wildcard feature, press W (Wildcard Mark), then type
the filename with the desired wildcards (* or ?) embedded in the
proper place. Press Return, and files will be marked. Example:
Many word processors create an automatic backup file. Suppose you
want to delete all your files that have the ".BAK" extension.
You would press the W key, then type "*.BAK." This reads "any
file that has the .BAK extension." All .BAK files will be
marked (highlighted), and ready for deletion. (New Users: see
"Wildcards," pages 11-12.)
Reversing Marks
The "Reverse all Marks" feature marks (highlights) all files that
are not marked, and "un-marks" all files that are marked. You
can use this feature if you want to copy, move or delete all
except a few files. First, mark (highlight) only the files you
don't want to copy, move or delete. Then press the X key (Extra
Functions), and choose option R (Reverse all Marks).
You can use a combination of the "Wildcard Mark" and the "Reverse
all Marks" features. Suppose you wanted to delete all files
except those with the .COM extension. First, you would use the
wildcard mark to mark .COM files, then reverse the marks. Then
all non-.COM files would be marked, ready for deleting.
Changing Colors on the Screen
If you have a color monitor, you may change DM's colors. Press
the X (Extra Functions) key, then choose option C (Set Colors).
The Color Menu will appear:
1 Turn Color Off
2 Background Color 3 Border Color
4 HiVideo Color 5 LoVideo Color
Esc Exit
DM comes up automatically in color on a color monitor. You can
change the colors of the background, the border, the bold or
highlighted text (HiVideo), or the regular text (LoVideo). You
may choose between 15 different colors. When you have the colors
the way you want them, press the Esc key to exit to the Extra
Functions menu, then type "S" to save your new configuration to
disk. Saving the configuration insures that the program will
always come up with your new colors on the screen.
DM Users Manual Page 25
New Users: (See "About The Command Line," pages 14-15.)
Execute a DOS Command
You may execute any DOS command directly from the DM program.
Press the F4 (DOS Command) key, and then type the desired
command, just as you would from DOS. Press Enter, and the
command will be executed. When it is finished, press any key to
return to DM, exactly where you left off. Note: For this
feature to work, you must have the COMMAND.COM file on your hard
disk or the disk that was used to boot the system.
Executing a File
You don't have to type the full DOS command to execute a file.
Instead, you may position the pointer next to the file that you
want to execute, then press the F3 (Execute File) key. If the
file is executable, (if it has an extension of .EXE, .COM, or
finished running the program, you will automatically return to DM
exactly where you left off. (If the file is not executable,
nothing will happen.)
This feature executes a file in the same manner as if you were in
DOS. When you press F3, the filename appears in the Popup Help
Window. At that time, you may press the Enter key to execute the
file, or, if you wish, you may type more parameters onto the
command line, such as a pathname or the name of a data file to be
loaded and run. Use standard DOS syntax if you type any
additions to the command.
For example, suppose you are marking files on a disk in drive C
and you realize you don't have a formatted disk to copy them to.
To continue your project you must first format a disk in drive A.
(The FORMAT program must be in the current directory on Drive C.)
Place the pointer next to the FORMAT file, and press F3. The
following message will appear:
___k Memory Available.
Type Text Into Command Line.
You will have to type A: at the cursor to indicate that you want
the disk in drive A formatted. Then press the Enter key. The
line "___k Memory Available" tells you how much resident memory
(RAM), in "k," is available to execute the file at the pointer.
If the file you've picked is larger than the available memory,
you can't execute it. The amount of memory available depends on
what kind of computer you have. DM takes up about 100k of
memory, so if your computer only has 128k of RAM, don't plan on
being able to execute anything except the smallest of files.
Computers with 256k may have some difficulty executing large
files. Those with 512k or 640k shouldn't have any trouble at all.
DM Users Manual Page 26
You may custom program up to 30 keys to do special tasks. You
can program these keys to execute any software program, DOS
command or to execute a batch file which will then execute a
string of commands. These keys can be programmed so that you can
position the pointer next to a data file, press a Function Key,
and run the appropriate software on that file.
The 30 keys available for programming are the Alternate Function
keys (Alt F1 to Alt F10), the Control Function keys (Ctrl F1 to
Ctrl F10) and the Shift Function Keys (Shft F1 to Shft F10).
From the DM Opening Screen, press the "Tab" key to view the
Programmable Function Key Settings. This screen is only for
viewing the Settings. For onscreen "help" on how to program the
Function Keys, go to Help Screen No. 2 by pressing F1 twice.
When you "program" a key, you will be writing a command to tell
the computer what to do when that key is pressed. You will write
commands using regular DOS syntax for the command line. (See
"About the Command Line," pages 14-15.)
At the same time that you write a DOS command for a key, you will
also need to write the "help text." This will appear on the help
screen so that you will remember what the key does.
You may want to program a key to execute a file that takes up a
lot of memory. Since DM takes up about 100k of RAM, be sure that
your computer has enough memory to execute your commands. (See
"Execute a File," page 25.)
In the examples below, we will assume that you have a hard disk
computer with at least 512k of RAM. Here are a couple of uses
for the Programmable Keys. The DOS commands and help text are
Command Help Text Explanation/Use
FORMAT A: Format Formats a disk in drive A. This is
helpful if you have files marked to
be copied to a floppy disk, and have
forgotten to format a disk.
DIR A:/P Dir A: Reads the directory of the disk in
drive A, pausing when the screen is
DM Users Manual Page 27
For practice, let's program Function Keys for the two above
examples. Press the F8 (Edit Commands) key. You will be asked
to pick an option:
1 Change Alt Function Keys
2 Change Ctrl Function Keys
3 Change Shft Function Keys
4 Change AutoRun Commands
Don't choose option 4 now. Instructions for the Autorun Key come
later. For this practice session, let's program the Alt F1 and
Alt F2 keys. Therefore, choose Option 1, "Change Alt Function
Keys." The following display will appear in the File Window.
| Esc to Exit Help Line: 1
| Alt F1 .... _
| Alt F2 ....
| Alt F3 ....
You will type in your help text and DOS commands on these lines.
The first line is for the help text for the Alt F1 key. The next
line is the DOS command for the Alt F1 key. Use the arrow keys
to position the cursor on the desired line. The "line guide" in
the upper right-hand corner of the window tells you which line
the cursor is on. Using our two examples, type the help text on
the help line and the command on the command line for each key,
as shown below.
| Esc to Exit Command Line: 2
| Alt F1 ......Format
| Alt F2 ......Dir A:
| DIR A:/P _
| Alt F3 ......
When you've finished typing in the help text and commands, press
the Esc key. Then test your newly programmed keys. After
testing, you must save the configuration of your newly programmed
Function Keys to disk in order for them to be there the next time
you use the program. Type "F8" and choose option (5) "Save to
Programming with Variables
The Programmable Function Keys allow you to execute programs and
DOS commands on files. This may be accomplished by using
variables. The variable {F}, means filename. This tells the
computer to perform a command on whatever filename is next to the
DM Users Manual Page 28
Suppose that you want to program the Ctrl F4 key to execute the
WordStar Word Processor (filename WS). You want to be able to
position the pointer next to any of your WordStar data files
(your letters, reports, etc.) and then, when you press the Ctrl
F4 key, the computer executes the word processor and opens the
file next to the pointer. Your DOS command for the Ctrl F4 key
would read: WS {F}
The following are valid variables for DM. Variables used in the
command line must be put in brackets {}.
{F} = FileName {P} = Path
{T} = Type in Text {D} = Drive
{N} = Name no Ext {E} = Ext no Name
{S} = Allow Program to Change Subdirectory
{A} = Press Any Key to Return to DM
The chart below shows some uses of the Programmable Function Keys
using variables.
Command Help Text Explanation/Use
TREE {A} List Tree Executes the Tree program, which
displays all the directories and
subdirectories on the disk in a
"tree" structure. Pauses before
returning to DM.
CHKDSK {A} Chkdsk Tells how much space is used up on
the disk, and and how much memory
is free. Pauses before return-
ing to DM.
BASIC {F} Basic Executes the Basic program and
loads the data file next to the
WS {F} Word Star Executes the Word Star word
processor, and loads the data
file next to the pointer.
To continue the practice programming session, the above four com-
mands and help text could be entered for the Alt F3, Alt F4, Alt
F5, and Alt F6 keys on the Edit Commands (F8) menu. Press F8 and
choose Option 1.
DM Users Manual Page 29
| Esc to Exit Command Line: 2
| Alt F1 ......Format
| Alt F2 ......Dir A:
| DIR A:/P
| Alt F3 ......List Tree
| TREE {A}
| Alt F4 ......Chkdsk
| Alt F5 ......Basic
| Alt F6 ......Word Star
| WS {F}
There are many other possibilities for the Programmable Function
Keys. Decide what tasks you would like your keys to do. It
might help to make a chart like the ones above. Then enter your
chosen commands and help text as shown in the examples.
If you are going to be using software in one directory and files
in another, you will need to specify the drive and path in your
DOS commands. They were omitted from the examples given above
for the sake of simplicity. The above commands with pathnames
might read:
C:\WS {F}
It is recommended that you keep your software in the root direc-
tory if you plan to execute it with the function keys.
When you're finished, press the Esc key. Then test your newly
programmed function keys. You may need to go back and fine-tune
some of your commands.
Saving Your Programming
When you are happy with the way the keys work, then you are ready
to "save" the changes. If you don't save them, they won't be
there next time you use DM. However, once they're saved, they
can't be accidentally changed until you "save" something new.
To save your Custom Programmed Function Keys, press the X (Extra
Functions) key. Choose the option S (Save Configuration). Your
changes will be saved to disk.
Limitations of the Programmable Function Keys
Since DM takes up about 100k of memory, it uses up space that
would ordinarily be used to execute your program. It is not
DM Users Manual Page 30
recommended that you use DM to execute files for everyday use.
In other words, you should execute your programs directly from
DOS to work on your database files, spreadsheet files, or word
processor files. The purpose of executing a file directly from
DM is to look at a file to see what's in it, not to work on it.
DM can only execute DOS commands as they would be entered on the
command line. If you can't do something from the DOS command
line, you can't do it from DM.
Some software programs are written with internal limitations that
make them unsuitable for loading with data files directly from
DM. DM can't make the function keys to do something with your
software that your software won't do in the first place.
Remember the test: If you can't do it from the DOS command line,
you can't do it from DM.
The AutoRun Key
Just like the programmable function keys, the AutoRun (F2) Key
also has the capability of executing a program or a DOS command
on a selected file in one keystroke.
The AutoRun Key is different from the Programmable Function Keys,
in that you can use the same key to run any number of programs,
or execute any number of DOS commands. You only have to remember
one key.
The important difference between the AutoRun (F2) Key and the
Programmable Function Keys is that the AutoRun Key looks at the
extension of the file at the pointer, and executes a DOS command
that you have programmed to run on all files with that extension.
Suppose you program the AutoRun Key to run the BASIC program with
any file which has a .BAS extension. If you positioned the
pointer next to a file named (for example) ALIENS.BAS and pressed
the AutoRun (F2) Key, the BASIC program will execute with the
ALIENS.BAS file loaded.
The AutoRun Key won't automatically work for your software. You
must program this key yourself before it will work. If the key
isn't programmed, nothing will happen when you press it.
Programming the AutoRun Key
When you press the AutoRun Key, the computer will look at the
extension of the file next to the pointer and execute the command
you have designated for a file with that extension.
The first step to custom programming the AutoRun Key is to make a
list (on paper) of the extensions of files you want to execute
programs on. Next, write a DOS command to correspond with each
extension. See examples later in this section.
DM Users Manual Page 31
You will need to use variables in the commands, like you did when
you programmed the Function Keys (see above). The following are
valid variables for DM.
{F} = FileName {P} = Path
{T} = Type in Text {D} = Drive
{N} = Name no Ext {E} = Ext no Name
{S} = Allow Program to Change Subdirectory
{A} = Press Any Key to Return to DM
Suppose you want to program your AutoRun (F2) key to run BASIC,
loaded with the file next to the pointer. You may remember the
command that we used in the example for the Programmable Function
Since the AutoRun Key looks only at the extension, you will
program your commands a little differently than you did with the
function keys. Use the following format:
Extension=DOS command
So, the command for your BASIC program would be:
You may program the AutoRun (F2) Key to execute any DOS command.
The command will be executed on the file at the pointer.
Suppose you have the WordStar word processor. It makes backup
files with the extension .BAK, and you perhaps you don't want to
to keep backup copies. You could set up the command:
If you positioned the pointer at a file named LETTER.BAK and
pressed (F2), LETTER.BAK would be deleted.
Suppose you set up the command COM={F}. What would happen if you
placed the pointer next to a file called PACKMAN.COM and pressed
F2? That's right, PACKMAN would run.
Remember the test that you learned while programming the Function
Keys? The rule is: If you can't do it from the DOS command line,
you can't do it from DM. Test your commands directly from DOS,
so that you will be sure that they work.
When you have tested all your commands, and have written them in
the "Extension=DOS command" format, you are ready to enter them
into DM.
DM Users Manual Page 32
For practice, let's enter the three examples given above.
Press the F8 (Edit Commands) key. Pick option #4 "Change AutoRun
Commands." The following will appear on the screen:
| Edit AutoRun Strings
Type in the commands. Use the arrow keys to move around the
screen and the backspace key to correct mistakes.
| Edit AutoRun Strings
| COM={F}
Press Esc when you are finished typing commands. Test them when
you are finished. If the commands do what you wanted, you are
ready to save the changes. If you don't save them, they won't be
there next time you use DM. However, once they're saved, they
can't be accidentally changed until you "save" something new.
To save your AutoRun commands, press F8, then choose option "5"
(Save to DM.COM). Your changes will be saved to disk.
About Attributes
An attribute is a special characteristic assigned to a file by
the computer or the user. If a file has any attributes, they
will be listed in the Status Window when the pointer is positioned
next to that file. The following briefly explains the four types
of attributes.
Hidden: A "hidden" file will not be listed in the DOS directory.
(If you type the command "DIR" you won't see it.) It will be
listed in the DM directory.
System: This is a file that the computer uses internally. You
should never mess with system files. You do want your system to
boot next time you turn it on, don't you?
DM Users Manual Page 33
Read Only: A "read-only" file is write protected, which means it
can't be changed. It also can't be deleted under DOS. But it
can be deleted with DM. You might want to change a file to "read
only" if you don't want anyone fooling with it.
Archive: When you run the utility program which backs up the
hard disk, the program sets an "archive flag" on each file, which
tells the system that "this file has been backed up." If you
later modify that file, the archive flag is wiped out. Then, the
next time the backup utility is run, it skips over files with
archive flags, because they've already been backed up. There
isn't any reason to change an archive attribute.
Changing Attributes
Warning: Do not use this unless you fully understand attributes
and have a reason to change one.
To change an attribute, place the pointer next to the file to be
changed and press A (Change Attribute). The following screen
will appear:
Change File Attributes
Hidden System Read-Only Archive
S to Set
R to Reset |HSRA|
Space to Ignore |_ |
The letters in the brackets |HSRA| stand for: H = Hidden, S =
System, R = Read Only, and A = Archive
You will type one of the codes shown on the screen below each of
the letters |HSRA|. They mean:
S to Set - An S sets that attribute to "on" for the file
indicated by the pointer.
R to Reset - R sets that attribute to "off" for the
indicated file.
Space to Ignore - A space leaves the attribute as it is
Example: |HSRA|
|S |
This would set the hidden attribute for this file. All other
attributes would remain as they were. If you want to change the
attributes of a number of files at one time, mark (highlight) the
desired files, then press Alt A (Change Attributes for Marked
Files). Set the attributes as described above. The attributes
you choose will be set for all marked files.
DM Users Manual Page 34
Some of the control characters used by the WordStar word proces-
sor and other programs may be used in DM. These characters are
valid for scanning or marking files in a directory:
Ctrl E - cursor up Ctrl R - screen
Ctrl X - cursor down Ctrl C - screen down
Ctrl D - mark file Ctrl S - un-mark file
The following characters are valid in the edit mode:
Ctrl D - cursor left Ctrl S - cursor right
Ctrl G - erase character
We value your comments and suggestions. Your ideas will help us
make the next version of DM even better. If you find a bug, we
want to know about it. We offer registered users a "reward" of
up to $75 for suggestions we use or bugs we fix.
Computer Tyme has set up a TBBS bulletin board dedicated to
supporting DM users. The number is 417-866-1665, and it's open
24 hours a day. You will need a 1200, or 2400 baud modem, and
terminal software to support ANSI graphics.
Other Programs Page 35
"D" is a "sweet little directory program." It provides a sorted
multi-column directory listing which makes reading the directory
a pleasure. Just type "D" to execute. For all user levels.
Usage: D <path\mask> /E/D/S/U/B/N/F/I/R/A/L/W/O/P
/E Sort by Ext /D Sort by Date
/S Sort by Size /U Unsorted
/B Sort Backwards /N Show File Names Only
/F Full Display, Date & Time /I Identify Directory
/R Programs that can Run /A Files with Archive Set
/L Long Display, no Pause /W Wait for Keypress at End
/O Use Standard Output Device /P Output to Printer
Default options can be set using the Environment Strings.
SET D.EXE=/O/I selects Standard Output and Identify Directory.
"T" also called "PickDir" allows you to change directories as
quickly as possible. Just type "T". For all user levels.
Lower case letter selects directory.
Upper case letter selects directory and exits.
Ctrl letter to change drives.
- Previous Directory
\ Root Directory
<CR> Exit
MOVE moves files to other names, subdirectories or drives.
Options include the quiet mode (no message displayed while
moving), moving read-only, hidden and system files. Type "Move"
to execute. For all user levels. Moves files to other names,
subdirectories or drives.
Usage: MOVE <file> <path> /Q/O/R/H WildCards are Allowed.
/Q ;Quiet Mode, no Messages are Displayed while Moving.
/O ;OverWrite Existing Files.
/R ;Include Read-Only Files.
/H ;Include Hidden, System, and Read-Only Files.
The command SET MOVE=OVERWRITE will make MOVE default to overwrite mode.
MOVE XYZ.DOC \SUBDIR ;Moves XYZ.DOC to subdirectory SUBDIR
MOVE *.DOC \SUBDIR ;Moves all .DOC files to SUBDIR
MOVE *.DOC \SUBDIR\*.TXT ;Moves all .DOC files to SUBDIR and
changes names to .TXT
Pipes and redirection are also allowed:
TYPE MOVE.LST|MOVE C:\UTIL; Moves all files in MOVE.LST to C:\UTIL
Other Programs Page 36
SORT is just like MS-DOS sort except that it is only limited by
memory size instead of 64k, and it is 100 times faster. Sort also
has a /I option to ignore case and will accept optional file
names on the command line for input and output.
Usage SORT <file> <file> /R/I/+N
Optional filenames for input and output files.
/R Reverse Sort.
/+N Start sorting with column N.
/I Ignore Case.
MORE is just like MS-DOS more except a lot slicker. It erases
its prompts and gives you a pause at the end of the text stream.
Pressing the space bar advances a page at a time and pressing the
return key advances a line at a time.
FIND is just like MS-DOS find with the following additions:
Usage: FIND "String" <File File File> /V/C/N/L/P/I
/V Displays all lines that do not contain String.
/C Counts lines that contain String.
/N Adds line numbers to output.
/L List only names of files that contain String.
/P Pauses display every 24 lines.
/I Ignore Case.
<file> may include wildcards.
FREE is a simple program that swows you how many bytes are on the
disk, how many are free, and how many are used. It also shows
total memory and memory used. It does not show extended or
expanded memory so if you have more than 640k, this program won't
show it. The sector size and the cluster size are also displayed.
Usage FREE or FREE <drive>
Other Programs Page 37
WHEREIS is just like PIPEDIR except the root directory and /S
options are always selected. Output from Whereis is suitable for
piping filenames into other applications.
Usage: Whereis <Path\Mask> /H/T/P/A/F/D/Q
/H include hidden and system files.
/T gives only directory names.
/P same as /T but adds a \ to the end.
/A files that have been modified since last backup.
/F file names only, no path.
/D deletes files.
/Q ask before delete.
Whereis *.BAK ;Prints all *.BAK files on disk.
Whereis *.BAK /D ;Deletes all *.BAK files on disk.
Whereis /T ;Prints all subdirectory names.
Whereis *.* /A ;Prints files changed since last backup.
Whereis *.* >ALL.TXT ;Prints all files on disk to ALL.TXT.
PIPEDIR is a utility that lists the directory in a way that is
suitable for piping and redirection and usable with DoList.
Output from PipeDir is suitable for piping filenames into other
Usage: PipeDir <Path\Mask> /S/H/T/P/A/F/D/R/Q
/S includes all subdirectories below Path.
/H include hidden and system files.
/T gives only directory names.
/P same as /T but adds a \ to the end.
/A files that have been modified since last backup.
/F file names only, no path.
/D deletes files.
/R remove directory, all files, and all subdirectories.
/Q ask before delete.
PipeDir \*.BAK /S ;Prints all *.BAK files on disk.
PipeDir \*.BAK /S/D ;Deletes all *.BAK files on disk.
PipeDir \ /T ;Prints all subdirectory names.
PipeDir \*.* /S/A ;Prints files changed since last backup.
PipeDir \ /S >ALL.TXT ;Prints all files on disk to ALL.TXT.
PipeDir C:\JUNK /R ;Removes directory JUNK and all files it contains.
Other Programs Page 38
FORK This program is used in DOS piping commands to either
display what is going through the pipe or to capture what is
going through the pipe to a file. Text going through the pipe
may be You may redirect piped files to the screen or another file
without interfering with the piping process.
DIR|FORK >X will do the same thing as DIR >X except you will be
able to SEE the text.
DIR|FORK Y >X will do the same thing as DIR >X except that output
is also directed to file Y.
DIR|FORK|SORT will show the directory first unsorted and then
If the first character after FORK is a / then the text after the
/ is interpreted as a secondary command line to be executed with
the text coming into the pipe fed into the secondary command.
DIR|FORK /MORE|SORT|MORE will show the directory unsorted with a
pause every 24 lines, then sorted with a pause every 24 lines.
Since MS-DOS filters out redirection and piping commands, FORK
interprets the secondary command line. @] is translated into >,
@]] is translated into >>, and @! is translated into |.
command will make a list of all the *.COM files in COM.LST, and
all the *.BAT files in BAT.LST.
PATCH designed for the advanced user, allows you to patch files
in either ASCII or HEX. Cursor movement supports a Wordstar key
pattern as well as responding to cursor control keys. Type
Usage: PATCH <FileName>
Left Arrow * ^S = Character Left
Right Arrow * ^D = Character Right
Up Arrow * ^E = Character Up
Down Arrow * ^X = Character Left
Ctrl Left Arrow * ^Q^S = Left Side of Window
Ctrl Right Arrow * ^Q^D = Right Side of Window
Ctrl Up Arrow * ^Q^E = Top Side of Window
Ctrl Down Arrow * ^Q^X = Bottom Side of Window
Home * ^W = Upper Left Corner PgUp * ^R = Sector Backwards
End * ^Z = Lower Right Corner PgDn * ^C = Sector Forward
Ctrl Home * ^Q^R = Beginning of file
Ctrl End * ^Q^C = End of File
Other Programs Page 39
About DoList
DoList is a dual purpose program. It acts as a DOS SHELL,
allowing the easy and convenient entry of commands, and it is
capable of executing commands on a LIST of files.
DoList in the SHELL mode:
DOLIST @S <cmd>
DoList has the ability to act like a DOS SHELL. Whenever input
redirection is not specified, input comes from the standard input
device. DoList detects this and uses it's powerful line editor to
provide input lines.
To use DoList in the shell mode type DOLIST @S. DoList will
confirm keyboard input with the message:
Shell Mode Enabled * Type "EXIT" to Return to DOS.
Shell mode allows you to type command lines with the editing
power of a word processor. It stores the commands you execute so
that you can recall them and re-execute them. And it remembers
the subdirectories that you've moved to, allowing you to easily
During shell mode, all normal word processor editing keys, (Home,
End, Arrows), work to edit the command line. The UP arrow recalls
the previous commands you've executed and the DOWN arrow reverses
this process. The Escape key aborts command line entry. The
WORDSTAR command set is also supported.
Using DOLIST @S, DoList inputs commands from it's powerful line
editor and executes COMMAND /C <line> as a subtask. Due to this,
you lose about 23k of ram.
Upon entering the SHELL mode, DoList displays its own prompt.
This prompt shows both the drive and path. Using the prompt
command will not change this.
Typing \ changes you to the root directory. Typing - changes you
to the previous directory. Typing a directory name allows you to
change to that directory without typing CD.
DoList remembers the subdirectories you've been to. By pressing
the TAB key, DoList will rotate you through the last several
directories you've been to. This allows you to switch between
directories quickly and easily.
Other Programs Page 40
Dolist will execute BASIC programs without having to type BASIC.
DoList recognizes the .BAS extention and loads BASIC for you. In
order to use this feature, you must tell DoList where the
BASIC.EXE file is using the SET command.
When using DOLIST @S in a .BAT file, if you want execution to
continue after loading DOLIST, type DOLIST @S <cmd>. Where <cmd>
is any dos command you want to execute.
DoList in Command Mode
Did you ever want to execute a program on a LIST of files? That's
what DoList does. DoList will execute a command line and
substitute text from the standard input device in the command line.
Suppose you had a file named BAK.LST that contained the following
list of files:
If you want to delete all the files in the list you type:
DoList will then execute the following commands:
DoList reads each line from the standard input device and executes
the command for each line read. The @L causes DoList to insert the
next input line into the command.
Suppose we wanted to copy all the *.BAT files to drive A:.
We would type:
Or if we wanted to create an ARC file of all the *.BAT files we
would type.
In addition to the @L command which substitutes the whole line,
DOLIST can look at the lines as fields that can be substituted
individually. The individual fields are substituted by @1 thru
Other Programs Page 41
In the text line:
456,NOTES.TXT "Marc Perkel"
@1 = 456
@3 = Marc Perkel
The rule is that commas and spaces are delimiters unless you start
with a quote. If you start with a quote, the next quote is the
If you don't want DoList to actually execute the commands, the @T
command will cause DoList to output the text that it would have
executed. This text can be redirected to a file for later
The @Q command makes DoList ask before executing each command
line. This allows you to skip the command or abort DoList. The @S
command puts DoList in the SHELL mode. This creates a friendly
enhanced dos-like user interface.
Two commands @I<filename> and @O<filename> can be used to choose
the input and output files for DoList. This can be used in place
of the pipes and redirection for dos. You must have at least 1
space after the filenames.
PIPEDIR *.BAT >BAT.LST ; creates BAT.LST with list of all *.BAT
DOLIST COPY @IBAT.LST @L@T A: @OTEST.BAT ;reads each line of
BAT.LST and creates the command COPY <line> A: and writes these
commands to a file named TEST.BAT.
Using braces '{}' suspends interpretation of @ commands allowing
the @ to be part of the command. The outermost pair of braces are
removed from the command. This is useful when using DoList
recursively. That means using DoList to run DoList.
When a command line is presented to DOS, the redirection and
piping commands, < > | are interpreted and removed. In order to
pass these commands to a program that DoList can run, we must use
other codes that dos won't remove. The @[ is translated into <,
the @] is translated into >, the @]] is translated into >> and
the @! is translated into |.
Other Programs Page 42
Using DoList Recursively:
Lets say we have a file named X.LST that contains the lines:
And a file named Y.LST that contains the lines:
The following command produces the following results:
DOLIST {DOLIST @L@T@Ix.lst }@L <y.lst
This type of processing opens some interesting possibilities.
Inside DoList:
DoList loads COMMAND.COM /C <commandline> for each line it
executes. This allows DoList to run multiple execution of BAT
files as well as COM and EXE files. DoList stays resident while
executing so you lose about 23k of ram until it finishes. If
output is redirected to a file, then all child processes are also
You can make DoList run faster if you have a RamDisk by copying
COMMAND.COM to your RamDisk and using the SET COMSPEC= command to
point to the ramdisk. This must be done before going into the
SHELL mode.
If you are not sure what a DoList command will do, use the @T
option to produce text instead of executing. If the commands are
right, then use it without the @T.
Other Programs Page 43
Summary of DoList Commands:
@L ;substitute next input line
@1 .. @9 ;substitute field 1 thru 9
@T ;output commands as text instead of executing them
@S ;puts DOLIST in SHELL mode
@Q ;query mode, displays command and asks for conformation
@I<filename>;use <filename> for input file for DOLIST
@O<filename>;use <filename> for output file for DOLIST
@[ ;substitutes < in command line
@] ;substitutes > in command line
@]] ;substitutes >> in command line
@! ;substitutes | in command line
{} ;commands in {braces} are not interpreted but passed
as text
Before doing the following examples you will need to familiarize
yourself with the Computer Tyme Software Programs described on
pages 7-9 of this manual.
Fun with DOLIST:
Some of these examples assume that the reader knows the commands
ARC and PKARC. These programs are used mostly by people who use
modems and transfer files by phone to bulletin board computers.
You don't have to know about these programs to use DoList. If you
don't own a modem, you are missing out on a whole level of
computer enjoyment and you should go to your nearest computer
store and buy one.
Try these examples:
(deletes all BAK files in all directories.)
(deletes BAK files in current directory.)
Create a file called TRASH.LST that contains extensions that need
to be deleted from your hard disk.
Other Programs Page 44
Then you can get rid of these files by typing:
Did you ever accidently copy a floppy disk onto your hard disk
and get the files in your root directory instead of the directory
that they were supposed to go into? When that happens you've got
to go in and figure out what files to delete. PIPEDIR and DOLIST
can fix your problem.
The list of files on A: is used for the list to delete the files
on C:.
Suppose you want to ARC all files that have been changed since
the last backup. You could type:
all modified files to be ARC'ed into BACKFILE.ARC.
Suppose you want to test the integrity of all your ARC files. You
could type:
This will run a test on all ARC files on the disk with output to
a file called ERROR.LOG. This file can then be printed.
Now suppose after you have tested the integrity of your arc
files, you want to make a list of all files in the ARC and sort
them, you type:
the beginning
>SORTLIST which makes for quite a pipe.
Suppose you have a lot of ARC files on your hard disk and you
want to Re-Arc them with PKARC. Here's what you do:
Create a \TEMP directory in the root. (MD \TEMP)
Create a BAT file called UPDATE.BAT containing the following
pkxarc %1 \temp
del %1
pkarc a %1 \temp\*.*
echo Y|del \temp\*.*
Test this bat file by typing UPDATE <file.arc> to make sure it
works. Then, to do the whole disk, type:
Other Programs Page 45
TESTIF tests the system and returns DOS error codes that can be
used to control the execution of .BAT files. Error codes range
from 0 to 255. Within this program are commands for reading
system parameters and processing them mathematically into useful
error codes. VideoMode, a Testif command, will for example, if
you have both mono and color screens on your computer, bring up a
piece of software on the desired screen by executing the
appropriate .BAT file. Type "TESTIF". For the intermediate user.
REM This checks to see if selected screen is MONO or COLOR
TESTIF VideoMode
VideoMode is a Testif command that returns the current video
mode. If the current mode is MONO then VideoMode returns a 7.
With this command, if you have both MONO and COLOR screens on
your computer, and you want to set up a .BAT file to bring up a
piece of software that is installed different for mono and COLOR,
Testif makes it easy.
Testif has the capibility to test results to see if a command
equals a value.
TESTIF VideoMode = 7
Returns error code 1 if true and 0 if not true. A 1 is always
returned to indicate TRUE and 0 is returned to indicate FALSE.
Operators include =, [], [, ], [=, ]=. Note the square brackets
replace the normal greater than and less than symbols. That is
because MS-DOS filters these characters and therefore can't be
TESTIF Year = 88 and Month = May
Testif supports all logical operators such as AND, OR, XOR, NOT.
Multiple conditions can be used. Year returns the year part of
the system date. Month returns the month part. May is a constant
equal to 5. The error code result will be 1 for true or 0 for
TESTIF MemSize / 10
Other Programs Page 46
MemSize returns the total memory size in K. Since this number is
usually larger than 255, (the maximum error code), we devide by
10. On a 640k machine, the return code is 64. Notice that
division is supported. Testif supports the mathematical operators
+, -, *, /, MOD, SHL, SHR, AND, OR, XOR.
All numbers are processed as signed 32 bit integers. It is up to
you to keep the result between 0 and 255 for meaningful results.
TESTIF 5*(9+3)
Interpretation is from left to right. Parentheses can be used to
alter this order. The above example returns 60.
TESTIF FreeSpace(0) ] 4000000
This checks freespace on the current drive (0). Other drives can
also be checked. The result is 1 if more than 4,000,000 bytes are
This returns the filesize of TESTIF.EXE in K.
To test your formulas, start the line with an @ sign. Testif will
print the return code on the screen.
TESTIF @DosVersion
ErrorLevel: 3
TESTIF Commands:
Day of Week
SUN ErrorLevel = 0
MON ErrorLevel = 1
TUE ErrorLevel = 2
WED ErrorLevel = 3
THU ErrorLevel = 4
FRI ErrorLevel = 5
SAT ErrorLevel = 6
JAN ErrorLevel = 1
FEB ErrorLevel = 2
MAR ErrorLevel = 3
APR ErrorLevel = 4
MAY ErrorLevel = 5
JUN ErrorLevel = 6
JUL ErrorLevel = 7
AUG ErrorLevel = 8
SEP ErrorLevel = 9
Other Programs Page 47
TESTIF Commands, cont.
OCT ErrorLevel = 10
NOV ErrorLevel = 11
DEC ErrorLevel = 12
MONO ErrorLevel = 7
CO80 ErrorLevel = 3
BW80 ErrorLevel = 2
CO40 ErrorLevel = 1
BW40 ErrorLevel = 0
VideoMode Returns Current Video Mode
VideoPage Returns Current Video Page
ScreenWidth Returns Current Screen Width
Year Returns System Year (88=1988)
Month Returns System Month (1=Jan)
Day Returns System Day (01-31)
DayOfWeek Returns System Day of Week (0=SUN,2=MON,etc)
Hour Returns System Hour
Minute Returns System Minute
Second Returns System Second
WriteVerify Returns if Write Verify is on
DosVersion Returns Dos Version Number
MinorDosVersion Returns Minor Dos Version Number
CurrentDrive Returns Current Drive Number (A: = 0)
Drives Returns Number of Drives
Floppies Returns Number of Floppy Drives
SerialPorts Returns Number of Serial Ports
ParallelPorts Returns Number of Parallel Ports
CapsLock Tells if Caps Lock is on (1=True)
NumLock Tells if Num Lock is on (0=False)
ScrollLock Tells if Scroll Lock is on
MemSize Returns Total Memory Size in K
Random Returns a Random Number from 0 to 255.
SectorsPerCluster(n) Returns Number of Sectors per Cluster (0=Current Drive)
BytesPerSector(n) Returns Number of Bytes per Sector (1=A:)
FreeClusters(n) Returns Number of Free Clusters (2=B:)
TotalClusters(n) Returns Total Number of Clusters (3=C:)
FreeSpace(n) Returns Free Space in Bytes (4=D:)
TotalSpace(n) Returns Total Space in Bytes
Exist <FileName> Tells if File Exists
FileSize <FileName> Returns File Size in Bytes
FileAttr <FileName> Returns File Attribute
FileDate <FileName> Returns Date and Time as 32 bit Number
Mem(A:B) Returns Byte at A:B
MemW(A:B) Returns Word at A:B
Port(A) Returns Byte at Port A
= True if A = B
[] True if A <> B (not equal)
Other Programs Page 48
[ True if A < B
] True if A > B
[= True if A <= B
]= True if A >= B
+ Returns A + B
- Returns A - B
* Returns A * B
/ Returns A / B
MOD Returns A mod B
AND Returns A and B
OR Returns A or B
XOR Returns A xor B
SHL Returns A shl B (Shift Left)
SHR Returns A shr B (Shift Right)
NOT Returns not A
I am going to expand this program. I welcome suggestions. If you
want me to include a test that this program doesn't have, let me
know how the test is performed. (DOS call, memory location, port,
Marc Perkel
(417) 866-1222